viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

You shoudn't have done that!

Dear old Notebook:
          Do you remember all the good times that you gave me? you let me play all the games that I wanted to play, and had all the music that I wanted to listen to. You were the best company that I got on the weekends when I was alone as a hermit in the mountains.
    But something changed, years passed and you weren't behaving like you used to. Suddenly, you started turn off without a sign. Every time that you decided not to work made me die of frustration and encouraged me to hate you with my whole existence. I was surprised by the fact that I didn't throw you out of my room through the window.
    The problem wasn't that you made me want to explode every time that you went crazy and deleted all my progress on my projects for the school, but the humiliation that I felt when I cried at midnight after figuring out that I would have to spent a couple of extra hours just because you thought that it would be a good idea to turn your screen completely black in order to get me a little more relaxed. You Shouldn’t have done that! Didn't you see that my entire family woke up just to hear me crying and laugh out of my pain?

   At least now you are resting, holding in your hard drive all the good moments that we shared. 
                                   missing you, but just a little... Fabo.